The MWAUK launched a project to support the much needy during their times of hardships of lockdown during the Corno virus in Sri Lanka. The 200 families identified were all daily workers. This project was implemented on 5th April 2020 by the Working Committee of MWAUK Mannar along with the support of the government officials and other individuals in transporting and distributing the packages in Mannar.
Below is the breakdown of the beneficiaries:
Kakkayan Kulam
West - 44
Kakkayan Kulam East - 36
Pandivirichchan - 66
ChinnaPandivirichchan -54
The second phase of this follow up project, was initiated to support 87 families of differently abled children living in Mannar, in partnership with MARDAP.
A family pack
contained of:
Rice bag - 2kg
Wheat flour - 2kg
Sugar - 2kg
Anchor pkt - 1
Biscuit - 1
Soap - 1
Toothpaste - 1
Cologne - 1
Panadol card - 1
Pampers pkt - 1
Sanitary napkins - 1