Secetary Report 2022-2023

Agenda for the 13th Annual General  Meeting of Mannar Welfare Association,  UK. 

Date: 24th of September 2023 

Venue: St. Andrew’s Church Hall (Youth Centre) 89, Malvern Avenue  

London HA2 9ER 

Time: 4.30 pm 


1) Welcome Speech by the Chairperson 2) 12th Annual General Meeting Minutes 3) Secretary’s Annual Report 

4) Treasurer’s Annual Report 

5) Discussion and questions about the Annual  Report and the Treasurer’s Report 

6) Dissolving of the current committee and  Electing of the new committee members 7) Proposal of Resolutions 

8) New Chairperson’s speech 

9) Any other business 

10) Vote of thanks by the new Secretary and  conclusion of the 13th AGM


Mannar Welfare Association, 

United Kingdom 13th Annual Report - 2022-2023 

We, the committee of Mannar Welfare Association, United  Kingdom, extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to all  our members, supporters, and well-wishers. 

We cordially invite all of you to our 13th Annual General  Meeting, scheduled on September 24, 2023. 

Committee Composition: 

At the 12th Annual General Meeting held on July 2, 2022, a  new committee comprising 15 members was elected.  Regrettably, Mrs. Daisy Vigneswaran, our Vice Treasurer,  could not continue in her role. Consequently, Mr. Hilman  Devasagayam was elected as the new Vice Treasurer on  January 8, 2023. Additionally, Mr. Subramaniam Ganeshkumar  was unable to continue as a committee member, leading us to  operate with 13 members until the next Annual General  Meeting. 

Committee Meetings: 

Our committee convened its first meeting on July 5, 2022, via  Zoom, serving as an introductory session where we introduced  committee members and discussed future projects and plans.  The final committee meeting took place in person on  September 10, 2023. In total, we held 13 committee meetings,  both virtually and in person.

Committee Meeting with the Mannar Working Committee: 

The Mannar Working Committee, established by the previous  MWAUK committee in March 2022, was introduced to the new  MWAUK committee via a Zoom meeting on July 9, 2022.  Unfortunately, due to various challenges, including a lack of  cooperation, misunderstandings, and unavoidable reasons  among Mannar Working Committee members and our MWAUK  committee, we made the difficult decision to dissolve the  Mannar Working Committee. Following this decision, a Show  Cause letter was issued to the MWC, to which they did not  respond adequately. Consequently, on January 27, 2023, we  sent a termination letter to conclude their service. 

Summer Barbeque: 

The preceding committee had initially planned a Summer  Barbeque for July 10th, 2022. Despite the time constraints, the  new committee efficiently organised the event as scheduled,  providing a day of enjoyment for families and friends. The event  featured games for children and adults, along with a delectable  barbeque. Costs were shared among committee members and  participants.

December Annual Fundraising Event: 

On December 3, 2022, MWAUK organised a Musical  Entertainment Evening as a fundraising event to support the  refurbishment and provision of basic medical equipment for  peripheral hospitals in the Mannar District. The event garnered  significant attention through advertising on Aadhavan Radio  and IBC television. Interviews with our Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer on IBC television informed the public about past  projects and MWAUK's future plans for the Mannar District.  

We were honoured to have Mr. Pathinathan Anthonipillai,  retired Chief Secretary for the Northern Province of Sri Lanka,  as our Chief Guest. Over 800 guests attended this event, and  we successfully raised £ 88,949.78 through ticket sales, sponsorships, and bar sales. All funds excluding the costs  were allocated towards peripheral hospital project and partly  towards the Maternity Ward Project.  

The event also marked the creation of two groups proposed by  the chairperson during the 12th Annual General Meeting 

Youth Forum:  

Mr. Yenushan Vendakoon, a committee member, introduced  the Youth Forum within MWAUK, aimed at bringing young  individuals together to participate in our activities and prepare  for future charitable endeavours. 

MWAUK's Business Forum:  

Mr. Nathan Annasingham introduced the MWAUK Business  Forum to unite various business communities of Mannarians  residing in the United Kingdom, fostering information sharing  and financial support for MWAUK projects.

Following the Musical Evening, we hosted a felicitation dinner  to express our gratitude to Mr. Pathinathan Anthonipillai and  the performing artists. Mr. Pathinathan commended the  dedication of both past and present MWAUK committees in  raising funds and implementing projects for the betterment of  the people of Mannar. He pledged his support in our mission to  improve living standards in Mannar. 

Sports Festival: 

The Mannar Welfare Association UK hosted its inaugural  Sports Festival on May 8, 2023, at Wimbledon Commons  grounds. We were honoured to have Mr. Andrew Morrison, the  coach of the Sri Lankan National Football Team, as our Chief  Guest. Special Guests of Honour included two Sri Lankan  National Team football players, both hailing from Mannar. We  also extended invitations to notable sports personalities (Mr. Cyril Croos, Mr. Lucas Saint George (France), Mr. Anthonipillai  Wijendran Caesar, Mr. Shanthan Jeevaratnam, Mrs. Kumutha  James Pathinathan, Mariampillai Princeley (Norway),  Mariampillai Emmanuel (Norway), Mr. Prince Marusalin (on  behalf of Late Mr. Duckson Puslas), Mr. Vicknarajah  Sebamalai, Mr. Antony Nagalingam, Mr. Anton Vendakoon, Mr.  Puvindran Masilamany and Mr. Jesunesan Rasendram) as  Guests of Honour, who hail from the Mannar District living  within The United Kingdom and Europe. 

The Sports Festival commenced at 9:00 am and featured 69  football teams, 9 cricket teams, 12 volleyball teams, and 7  netball teams. Children enjoyed various athletic games, and the  event showcased exceptional sportsmanship and enthusiasm 

from all participants. Notably, the festival marked the first  hoisting of the Mannar Welfare Association flag alongside the  United Kingdom flag. 

The event's success was made possible by the dedication of  committee members, their families, and friends, who tirelessly  manned the crowded food stall throughout the day. 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to several individuals  instrumental in the Sports Festival's success, including Mr.  Packiaraja, Mr. Edwin, and the TSSA members, whose  unwavering support ensured the event's smooth organisation.  Special recognition is due to Mr. Puvindran Masilamany for his  efforts in securing national players, and past chairpersons Mr.  Nathan Annasingham and Mr. Anton Vendakoon for their  continuous support. We are also grateful to all who attended  meetings, contributed ideas, assisted in event setup, and  remained late to clear the grounds. 

Our sponsors' generous support greatly contributed to the  event's success, and we express our sincere gratitude. 

Lastly, we acknowledge the exceptional dedication and hard  work of the MWAUK committee members, whose support  propelled us to achieve a significant milestone with this Sports  Festival. 

A Felicitation Dinner was organised on the 2nd of June 2023, to  express our sincere appreciation to all those who generously  contributed to our success in the Sports Festival. During this  dinner, we extended a warm welcome and bestowed honours upon the four National football players (Ms. Diluxshana  Thevashahayam, Mr. Clinton Thevaraja and Mr. Gowsigan  Jude Rojan, and Mr. Jesuthasan Sebastiampillai). Special  recognition was given to Mr. Puvindran Masilamany for his

pivotal role in initiating and coordinating the necessary  preparations to invite these esteemed National football players. As a token of our gratitude, trophies were presented to all  individuals who actively participated in the Sports Festival. 

Dismissal of Mr. Fabian Emmanuel from the Trustee  Position: 

Upon the assumption of responsibilities by the new committee  on the 2nd of July 2022, Mr. Fabian Emmanuel, the former  chairperson, automatically assumed the role of Trustee for  MWAUK.  

Regrettably, despite numerous requests conveyed through  emails, phone calls, and a formal letter signed by the entire  committee, Mr. Fabian Emmanuel failed to provide official  documents related to MWAUK, including passwords, access to  emails, the P.O.Box, SIM card, and the credit card machine.  

Considering this, a Show Cause letter was issued to Mr. Fabian  Emmanuel, and due to the absence of a response, he was  subsequently removed from the position of Trustee.

Project Report for the Years 2022/2023: 

Since the new committee assumed office, a total of six projects  have been successfully executed. Furthermore, the Adampan  Nanattan Hospital Equipment project, which had been initiated  by the previous committee, has also been completed. 

Project 1 – 'Aaharam' – Nutritional Supplement  Distribution: 

On the 24th of August 2022, the Aaharam project was carried  out in the Mannar and Nanattan Divisional areas. The  distribution was overseen by MWAUK's chairperson, Mr. James  Pathinathan, accompanied by Dr. Vinodhan, Dr. Reuben, Dr.  Roy, and MWC chairperson Mr. Regi Jeyabalan.  

The recipients of these Nutritional Packets were selected by the  MOH in collaboration with Dr. Reuben, who diligently organised  the project to cover all five divisional areas within the Mannar  District. 

One of our committee members, Mr. Moses Thayan  Soosaipillai, sponsored for the Nutritional packets to be given to  25 children in the Pallimunai area.  

Nava Foods distributors were chosen as suppliers due to their  cost-effectiveness and superior nutritional content compared to  other products in the market. This initiative was successfully  carried out for six months, with a total expenditure of £3,970


Project 2 – Madhu Zonal Level Sports Meet  2022: 

The Madhu Zonal sports meet was convened on the 4th of  August 2022, and a request for assistance in providing prizes  for 350 children was received from the Zonal Education  Director. The committee members decided to contribute to this  cause, resulting in a donation of £406.00, equivalent to Rs.  175,000.00, through MWAUK.  

Mr. Hilman Thevasagayam represented MWAUK at the event,  which was also attended by Mannar Working Committee  members. 

Project 3 - Mannar Chess Tournament 2022: 

For the first time, the Mannar District Chess Association  organised the individual Rapid Chess Tournament on the 3rd of  September 2022. This indoor sports activity primarily targeted  school children who had shown strong engagement in chess  over the past three years, with approximately 1300 children  participating at various levels, including schools, District,  Provincial, and National tournaments. 

Mannar Welfare Association UK proudly served as the main  sponsor for this tournament, with MWC members representing  MWAUK at the event. A sum of £270.00 was provided to the  Mannar District Chess Association to support this project.


Project 4 – Mannar Residential Sports  Coaching Camp: 

Upon receiving a request from the Government Agent and the  Mannar District Sports Officer to fund a residential sports  coaching camp for school students representing the Mannar  and Madhu zones in the Northern Province sports meet,  MWAUK stepped in. Following the outstanding performance of  these students, who secured the 2nd place (Mannar Zone) and  5th place (Madhu Zone), over 100 children were selected to  represent the Mannar District at the National Sports Meet. 

The Residential Sports Coaching Camp project, fully financed  by Mannar Welfare Association UK, took place from the 28th of  October 2022 to the 30th of October 2023. The funds for this  project were transferred to the Government Agent's account  and were utilised as per the Mannar Working Committee's  directives. This comprehensive initiative involved organising the  venue, training staff, helpers, and provisions for food and  lodging for both staff and students. Additionally, students in  need of trainers were identified and provided with trainers and  uniform t-shirts. 

Project 5 – Nanattan Hospital Refurbishment 

The Nanattan Hospital Committee, with the approval of the  Regional Department of Health Services (RDHS), approached  MWAUK for assistance in refurbishing Nanattan Hospital. The  chairperson personally conducted an inspection at Nanattan  Hospital to assess the project's requirements. 

The Nanattan Hospital Committee took the initiative to engage  builders and procure the necessary raw materials for the 

refurbishment. They assumed direct oversight of the project with the help of the RDHS technical officer. An amount of  £5,000.00 was transferred to the RDHS account to facilitate this  project. 

Project 6 – Maternity Ward Refurbishment 

In 2019, the MWAUK committee recognised the urgent need to  enhance the facilities and conditions of the Maternity ward at  Mannar General Hospital. Consequently, they proposed a  project to fund the refurbishment. A substantial sum was  collected through a mega musical event organised for this  purpose. 

Regrettably, due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the  project could not be executed during the specified timeframe.  The responsibility was consequently handed over to the  subsequent committee for further consideration. However, time  constraints persisted, preventing immediate action. When the  new committee assumed office in July 2022, Mannar General  Hospital requested their assistance. With the allocated funds  readily available, the committee expressed its commitment to  undertake and complete the project. 

Mr. Pathinathan Anthonipillai and Mr. Ramakrishnan  generously volunteered to represent MWAUK in collaboration  with RDHS and the Director of Mannar General Hospital, as  well as the doctors overseeing the Maternity unit. 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formalised  between MWAUK, the Northern Province Health Authorities in  Sri Lanka, and RDHS Mannar to obtain approval for the project, with an estimated budget of 37 million rupees. 

To ensure effective project management, a committee was  formed, comprising the chairperson, secretary, treasurer, vice  treasurer of MWAUK, Mr. Pathinathan Anthonipillai, Mr.  Ramakrishnan, RDHS Dr. Vinodhen, General Hospital Mannar  Director Dr. Pushpakanthan (who initially conceived the project  plan), the chief accountant, and the chief engineer of Mannar  General Hospital. Subsequently, a Procurement Committee  and a Technical Evaluation Committee were established in  Mannar to assess project-related matters, solicit tenders from  contractors, and select the most suitable contractor. 

The project is currently in progress, with Mr. Pathinathan and  Mr. Ramakrishnan overseeing its execution on behalf of  MWAUK, and Dr. Vinodhen and Dr. Pushpakanthan providing advice and updates on project progress. 

The MWAUK has also initiated contact with equipment  suppliers for the Maternity wards and has identified a supplier  based on pricing, warranty terms, transportation, installation,  and maintenance. After agreeing on terms and conditions, a  contract was executed between MWAUK and the supplier, with  50% of the equipment payment already paid to the supplier.  The process of procuring furniture for the Maternity Ward will  commence once specifications and pricing details are received. 

Due to inflation and economic challenges in the country, the  funds collected in 2019 for this project proved insufficient.  Consequently, the committee decided to allocate funds from  the December 2022 musical event to bridge the funding gap.


Pending Projects 

Project 1 - Assistance to Eleven Peripheral  Hospitals in the District of Mannar 

The committee has unanimously resolved to address the  essential needs of the remaining eleven peripheral hospitals in  the Mannar district. These needs include emergency  equipment, medication, and refurbishment. To finance this  project, MWAUK organised a musical event in December 2022. 

Initially, we received a request from Murunkan Base Hospital  for assistance, which the committee approved through RDHS.  We have also requested RDHS to assess the requirements of  

the other peripheral hospitals and provide us with a list of  necessary items. 

Project 2 - Support for Differently Abled  Individuals in Mannar District 

The MWAUK committee was apprised by Mr. James  Pathinathan, the chairperson, of the significant needs of  differently abled individuals in the Mannar district. Among them  are approximately 3000 differently abled individuals, some of  whom have disabilities from birth, while others acquired them  during the thirty-year war in Sri Lanka.

Though there are a few charitable organisations dedicated to  supporting these individuals and their families, daily survival still  remains challenging for them.  

Mr. James Pathinathan personally visited some of these  centres, engaging in meetings and discussions to assess their  needs and facilities required to provide a basic livelihood for  differently abled individuals. 

To assist and empower these individuals, MWAUK has  identified "WE CAN," a well-regarded organisation founded by  Ms. Vetri chelvi, a renowned author and social worker who is  herself differently abled. The work carried out by this  organisation has demonstrated a positive impact on the lives of  differently abled individuals and their families. 

The MWAUK committee has authorised funding for this  organisation to enhance the livelihoods of differently abled  individuals in the Mannar District. Funds collected from the  upcoming December gathering is to be allocated for this  purpose.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to  Mr. James Pathinathan, the Chairperson, and Mrs. Janaki  Puvindran, the Treasurer, as well as the entire MWAUK  committee for their unwavering dedication in organising events,  conscientiously participating in decision-making, spearheading  fundraising initiatives, and providing invaluable assistance in  executing projects. 

I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to all those who have  supported me, both in the United Kingdom and in Mannar, Sri  Lanka in fulfilling my responsibilities towards MWAUK. Your  assistance has enabled me to be an integral part of a team that  has significantly improved the lives of our brothers and sisters  in the Mannar district over the past year. 

Mrs. Helen Annasingham 


Mannar Welfare Association, UK

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